是的,我們不是第一個讚Karen Walker這輯廣告大片的人,但當我們看到Karen Walker與United Nations ITC Ethical Fashion Initiative合作的這個充滿意義的計劃,及那些充滿震撼力的影像,我們覺得有必要在這裡報導一下。The Ethical Fashion Initiative的格言是“Not Charity, Just Work”,意指不靠他人,自力更生。他們藉著在當地推廣可持續發展業務,希望讓這些需要幫助的人士能自力更生,不再坐以待斃,或單單依賴其他國家的幫助。像是次計劃,肯尼亞當地的一些工匠為Karen Walker最新的太陽眼鏡系列製作眼鏡套,同時,Karen Walker還找來了這些工匠擔任是次廣告大片的模特,當中包括一些機械師、裁縫、製作經理、工人及製作精緻釘珠的馬賽人。肯尼亞的風景配搭Karen Walker這些非常酷的太陽眼鏡,出來的影像既充滿異地色彩又超現實。


還有,想多點了解The Ethical Fashion Initiative,可瀏覽http://www.ethical-fashion.org/。

Whoohaa! Ok we weren’t the first to cover this, but we HAD to cover this. Once we saw the stunning images produced for this collection, a collaboration between Karen Walker and the United Nations’ ITC Ethical Fashion Initiative, we had to get a piece. The Ethical Fashion Initiative’s motto is “Not Charity, Just Work” and their task is to promote sustainable business over aid dependency. Their involvement in this collection is linking Kenyan artisans with Karen Walker to produce the pouches for the eyewear. Taken a step further, Karen Walker also had the vision to shoot some of those involved for the stunning campaign. So what you see here are, machinists, cutters, tailors, production managers and metal workers as well as members of the Maasai group who create the more elaborate beading work. Paired with the Kenyan landscape, and the cool shades, it all looks exotic and surreal. Brilliant! Kudo’s for this one!

Side note : This also made us look for Karen Walker since she’s been quite in Hong Kong or maybe we have turned a deaf ear. Turns out she’s moving merrily along with jewelry and some chic-ass clothes for women in the land of NZ. Check her out. Don’t sleep!

Also the Ethical Fashion Initiative sounds like a good perogative : http://www.ethical-fashion.org/



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