Women you love being photographed. A send up to you. We appreciate you in all your beauty and travesty here at Paul’s Corner. Do you and we will do we. From spitting lasers outta your butts, meme wisdom, and human debauchery, you’ve got it all here. Rated disturbed, 18+ and NSFLIFE. Enjoy!
Filed Under: PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: 2Pac, Anne Frank, Archer, asian chicks, Asians, bad jokes, ballerina, bench press, Biggie, bikinis, black women, blind man, blonde, boobies, Booty, brunettes, burgers, cartoons, cellphones, chairs, chicks, chips, Cleveland, computers, dance, demo tapes, dog pile, dogs, Doritos, eating, evil laughs, exercise, fail, flexibility, floral dress, fondu, frustration, G strings, gaze, gifs, girls, GOD, horse play, hotties, hula hoops, Justin Beiber, kids, knives, lasers, lazers, memes, menu, milk, monkeys, Nathan, nudes, opinions, paradise, Paul's Corner, phone, photography, porn star, Private Ryan, refs, religion, Science, seals, selfies, sexual harassment, shotguns, skateboarder, skating, sleep, SPITGAN, squats, Stanley Cup, stockings, street art, Super Mario, swimsuits, Taylor Swift, The Internets, tits, toilet cover, trees, tricks, TV, twerk, twisted humor, views, watches, waterslides
Encore, encore! C’est bon non? Paul’s Corner tres offensive! Tu adore! It’s a disturbance non! NSFW non? Mais oui! 18+. Merci.
Filed Under: PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: airports, America, Arnold Schwarzenegger, ass, Australians, babes, bad jokes, beachs, bears, beat down, bikinis, bowling, bulls, burgers, chicks, chinese women, chipmonks, cockpit, D bag, dashboard, dogs, Dollar Palace, dresses, election God, Elmo, evil laughs, fat people, fitness, girls, guys, height, helmets, hockey, hotties, kisses, marathons, masturbation, Matthew McConaughey, Micheal J. Fox, movie stars, nudes, organized crime, Paul's Corner, planes, promises, redheads, selfies, sexy, six pack, SPITGAN, The Internets, tits, topless, twisted humor, video games, Walmart, wedgie
You could at least like this page on FB for all the work we put into this section alone, to bring you the BEST of the WORST! Respekt dat! Rated Disturbed. 18+. Paul’s Corner.
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: 21, ads, anonyomous, ass kicking, babes, bad jokes, bikinis, boxing, cartoons, carts, cats, Cheese, comedian, Cosplay, Dear Abby, Disney, dogs, Donald Trump, evil laughs, fashion, fire, flips, frisbee, girls, golf balls, GQ, GTO, houses, Humor, humping, hunt, interiors, karaoke, kids, knock out, Las Vegas, laughs, leopard, love, Malcolm in the Middle, Marilyn Monroe, martial arts, money, Paul's Corner, pools, scary, sexy girls, Shitterton, sports cars, Stevie Wonder, supervillian, The Internets, the mind, the wave, thief, Tinkerbell, tits, toys, water balloons, WTFery
18+. At a loss of words. Paul’s Corner. I am therefore I am or whatever. Rated Disturbed still.
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: airforce, apes, asian chicks, awkward, babes, babies, bananas, bandanas, beards, bowling, butts, calf life, camels, cards, cats, chefs, classic cars, clowns, dogs, drinking, Dubai, earth, evil laughs, fireflies, flaming tits, Franz Ferdinand, gifs, gynecologists, idiot drivers, ill humor, jokes, landscapes, popcorn fashion, protester, rabbits, redheads, Return of the Jedi, rhinos, Roddy Piper, rollercoasters, Saint Elmo's, save the trees, selfies, shadows, Space, swimsuits, T-shirts, The Internets, The Scream, tits, Will Smith
Horrible is still news right? NSFW, Rated Disturbed, 18+, Paul’s Corner!
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: A++, babes, baseball, boats, books, bullets, C++, C3P0, Canadians, cats, charger, cheerleaders, chicks, coolness, couples, Death Star, dogs, Dr. Pepper, Evil jokes, fall, fish, flowers, George Bush Sr., gifs, Goa Way, herbs, high, home hacks, kicks, Kramer, ladders, laughs, lesbian twins, meats, middle finger, Otters, Paul's Corner, rated disturbed, roast, robbery, Ron Jeremy, Satellites, shaking, skateboarding, smoking, Space, sportscars, Star Wars, tanlines, Texas Texans, The Internets, The Queen of England, tits, Tool Chest, vinyl, wine racks, zoo