Ohh bring the giggles and cracks. Bring’em by the bag load. The best jokes, laughs and evil goodness we could find for you from the Internets. Paul’s Corner, SPITGAN!
Filed Under: Dailies, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: amish, avocado, banana, beer, butts, chicks, cliffs, crystal, dates, dogs, drums, evil, fails, G strings, gifs, goats, guns, gyms, hand lotion, hawaiian shirts, hipster, hotties, houses, Humor, jars, kids, lammas, laughs, letters, lion cubs, lions, mountains, mouse trap, murals, music notes, night photography, nods, orgy, parks, Paul's Corner, peeing, racist cartoons, Rock, selfies, sex, sheer fabrics, sheet music, snow, soft, spill, sports cars, Star Wars, statues, street art, sunsets, surfer, Thanks Obama, The Internets, tiger cubs, tits, views, wave
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: accident, airshow, angel, anime, Arkansas, asian chicks, babies, bad humor, bikes, bitch mints, bitch mittens, Black Eyed Peas, Boba Fett, Brangelina, cabin, cats, chat, chicks, Clockwork Orange, cock, Colonel Sanders, cop, dance, diamond ring, dirt art, dirty, drunk, etiquette, evil laughs, faces, fags, fashion, fat kids, Ferrari, gifts, high-five, icebergs, Internet, jets, jokes, Lady Gaga, laptops, legs, lightsabres, maid, Marshmellow Man, meth, Michelin Man, motocyclist, motorcycles, nature, NFL, old cars, paradise, penis, polar bear, pose, possession, rainbow, ride, robot, rude, scooter, shark, skirt lengths, spider, sunset, tailgate, Tattoo, The Internets, toilet, views, wind, wink, wolves, wonderbread
Oooh yeah the laughs keep coming. Thank us for your sanity and mental health. Disturbed, NSFW, you know the deal. Paul’s Corner.
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: Bill Clinton, billboard, birds, bite, boot, Brittany Spears, butts, cars, cats, chick, dogs, evil laughs, farts, Ferrari, girlfriend, gorillas, guns, hammocks, hangar, hanger, high-five, horses, Humor, interiors, Internet, jet, John Wayne, jokes, K-Fed, kids, Latina, mags, Mercedes-Benz, Michelle Obama, OL, Pirelli, restaurant, sauna, sky high, soldiers, sunset, T-shirts, Thailand, The Internets, The Rock, tongue, tongue piercings, views, windmill
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: accident, alcohol, amputee, babes, bacon, beer can, bitches, bondage, boyfriend, breast milk, butts, cats, coconuts, coffee, crucifix, dildos, DJ, dogs, dryer, elephants, formula 1, gingerbread, grenade, Holy Bible, homework, Hong Kong, hose, Intercontinental, interiors, kids, licence plates, life, Lord of the Rings, Made In China, mixer, muscles, nature, Nostradamus, penthouse, pimps, priest, reflection, sloth, Snow White, spaceship, spiders, spirituality, Star Wars, swing, tanning booth, tattoos, Tom Hanks, tongues, Top Gear, treadmills, turntables, tuxedos, urinals, views, vote, weatherman, weed, weights, zippers
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: alcohol, Arnold Schwarzenegger, babies, boats, boobs, butts, cars, castles, cats, china, comedians, computers, concerts, costumes, coverings, crap, crows, dads, dancing, dogs, Europe, evil laughs, excercise, fashion, gifs, girls, guns, helmets, homies, Humor, Internet, Japanese, joker, jokes, jumping, Keanu Reeves, kissing, lakes, Lamborghini, latex, lawnmowers, lost, McLaren, mechs, Men, Mercedes-Benz, milk, mountain climbers, mountains, movies, nature, nudes, owls, paintings, patios, peeing, pools, smoking, snow, spiders, Star Wars, sunsets, T-shirts, The Internets, traffic, tubs, Van Gogh, vaults, views, waves, weird