好吧,我知道你一定感到很莫名。就像我满心欢喜等着你一天唯一一次微博更新,你却给我来碗白米饭? WTF!嗨,但念在这是原创的份上,好歹也给我两分呗?这比起推广白皮书也只逊色那么一丢丢而已。谁会推广白皮书? 当然是SPITGAN,废话!第2点,这似乎也算是为白米饭增味的好点子呀?就比方说把白米饭堆成心形令人耳目一新,有没有。你其实不需要发明创新来博取关注率。想象一下,比方说用在某婚礼上!现在可以闭嘴了吧。

Ok. I know you trippin’. Like I waited all day for the meagre one update you give us and you gonna give me white rice?! WTF! Hey 2 points here. Its original right? Its also only one step below promoting white paper. Who does that? SPITGAN boo! Point 2, pretty simple idea to spice up rice no? Like damn, make it heart shaped and its all fresh and new. You don’t need to re-invent the wheel here to get our attention. Imagine this at a wedding! Now STFU.