撰文/CN :Serruria

聽過Hood By Air沒有?沒有聽過名字你也一定會見過他們的設計,因為饒舌歌界時裝人ASAP Rocky身上經常有Hood By Air的設計出沒。隨著越來越多的暴光率,品牌已經躋身前線。除了ASAP Rocky帶來的名氣,Hood By Air更能引起我們Spitgan興趣的是,他們對於街頭服的進取發展方向。品牌並不是又一個大量生產hoodies或只是印上圖案的T-shirts,設計裡卻處處注重衣服形態、剪裁和物料,取向就像其他已經成名的設計師如 Walter Van Beirendonck, J.W. Anderson等。

幸運真的會突然降臨,那你猜我們在上海的YOHO Street Convention裡碰見誰?正確, 就是Hood By Air的設計師Shayne Oliver。當時在閒逛的Shayne在人群裡特別突出,擅於辭令又為人大方的Shayne友善地接受我們Spitgan突如其來的訪問。以下Spitgan會為你報導當時的對話,千萬不要錯過。

Hood By Air, you’ve heard of them? Well if not you’ve probably seen their work. Rap-fashionista, ASAP Rocky has been really repping them hard, so surely you’ve seen it on young’n. If not you’ve probably seen it in his wake. Fashion bibles have jumped on the train as it gains steam, bringing the brand itself to the forefront. Besides the notoriety that ASAP Rocky and co. have brought the brand, Hood By Air really piqued SPITGAN’s interest with its progressive approach to streetwear. This wasn’t another brand of hoodies and T’s with some graphics, clearly. This was a brand pushing at silhouettes, cuts and materials a la some other upstarts in the fashion world like Walter Van Beirendonck, J.W. Anderson and ilk.

So as luck would have it, who do we run into in Shanghai at the YOHO street convention? Yep, yep, Shayne Oliver, Hood By Air, roaming around, and clearly standing out. Well-spoken and chill, Shayne was real cool to give us an off the cuff interview, and chop it up with SPITGAN for a few. Check it out.

(English continued after Chinese)

SPITGAN – 品牌是甚麼時候開始的?
SHAYNE OLIVER – 2008年。但之後我們停下了兩年半,到2012春夏才再開始。原因是如果我們要達到自訂的作品要求,我們需要挺多的準備。我們不希望被生產程序或不良品質煩擾,所以我們便等到各方面也成熟再重新推出設計,這樣我們就有充裕的時間去重新評估品牌的大方向和思考到底我們的品牌是甚麼。

SG – 工作上會有週期性的壓力嗎?好多跟Spitgan聊過的設計師都表示面對生產流程時會有壓力,尤其是當市場有越來越多不同系列推出。
S – 我沒有感覺過這種壓力,至少不是在設計感或構思系列時。唯一的壓力可能來自分送衣服到不同的店子,或組織一下衣服系列,讓買家知道自己買入的是甚麼。

SG – 這是不是現在行業的現實?你會說,對於年輕的設計師,如果要有大發展就必需要有商業的知識嗎?
S – 對啊,我的意思是說對於商業,你一定要比以往認識更多。你想想,每一年有多少設計師一同競爭設計的工作空缺,好多商業社會裡的人都分不清誰是誰。所以自然地,作為一個設計師你也可能要有一定的商業精明頭腦去應對。

SG – Hood By Air是不是從一開始就有Hip Hop的支持者?或是品牌是被他們影響?

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Paul Mittleman是Adidas Original的全球設計總監,在還未加盟Adidas之前,他在Stussy工作了二十個年頭。來自紐約的他,見證了從1980年代開始運動品牌影響街頭文化,及到今日又怎樣影響著高級時裝的歲月,他可說是collaboration(品牌與品牌之間的計劃)的先鋒,在街牌界中有著一定的影響力。早前他去到上海出席當地的一個大型街頭品牌活動, 我們籍著這個機會與他做了一個訪問。

Street Cred? All hail. Paul Mittleman hasn’t just been holding down the spot for streetwear; he might have damn near pioneered the genre. Paul goes back to the early days of Stussy. One of the first recruits to the legendary brand that birthed so many others. The native New Yorker has moved on up, and sideways, and now sits with the illustrious title of, ‘Global Design Director’, for the behemoth that is Adidas. Adidas Originals to be exact. So you know they’ve tapped him for his savvy in the game. We had a chance to sit down with the self-proclaimed, ‘inventor of the collaboration’, himself, and go through a bit of streetwear anthology with a fella that was involved with it from the giddy-up.

( English continued after CN )

SPITGAN – 可否說說你的背景。
PAUL MITTLEMAN – 在Adidas Original之前,我曾是Stussy的創意總監, 在那裡工作已有二十年,我可以說是首幾位發明了Collaboration的人。我之前沒有想過會成為Adidas的全球設計總監,所有事情都是很自然發生的,對我來說每天的工作都是一種挑戰。

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This event was a nice surprise. Rather underestimated it as I was kind of flying blind. Upon arrival I was quickly brought up to speed. It was the first street wear event of its kind in Shanghai.Thrown by YOHO group, bringing together vendors from all over the world. Lets not get it twisted, by vendors I mean some of the biggest players in the game. A lot of faces looked familiar as brands like Nike, Adidas, Stussy, Undefeated, and Clot were all there complete with their head honchos in attendance. Besides the obvious, some pleasant surprises for us included meeting the designer from Hood By Air and also seeing the Chinese booths and wares. Just the tip of the iceberg! Oh and we snapped at a few folks we thought were draped out and dripped out for the event. Check, check.

這個活動充滿著不少驚喜。YOHO集團在上海舉行首個街頭衣著大會。這不是一個隨意的活動,它帶來不少大品牌來到這次活動,如Nike, Adidas, Stussy, Undefeated, 和Clot,如此同時,這些品牌的老闆和首席設計師亦前來參與這項盛事,真的令人感到驚喜。除了看這些大人物之前,我們很高興看到即來登陸的品牌- Hood By Air 和一些中國品牌的攤位和他們的設計。在在個活動開始的時候,我們拍下一些十分有造型的朋友,讓大家看看他們精心打扮的造型。

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