中文撰文/Chinese written by : Lorien Chan



Why speak about the Pritzker Prize winning architect, I. M. Pei? Well if you live in Hong Kong for one, you cannot escape his indelible imprint on our landscape. I. M. Pei’s work is iconic, and this is the dude that designed the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame! Don’t be dismissing this Chinese cat, he’s a star amongst stars. A Chinese man that built the structure that will recognize music’s all time greats? What are the designs that let to this commission? What other brilliance did he produce? We investigate his extensive portfolio and share with you what we discovered, and appreciated as his best above all. Born in Guangzhou, raised in Hong Kong and Shanghai, university at MIT, I. M. Pei felt like an outsider to both East and West. His indomitable spirit had him living to a healthy age of 102. Recognize.


「成為最好,卻無需一定要原創。//Be the best, not necessarily the original. 」


From his first site visit I. M. Pei declared the area to be Shangri-La. He based the museum’s design on the Chinese story of, “The Peach Blossom Valley”. A tale of a fisherman who rows up a mountain stream and comes across a peach orchard in full bloom. Crossing to the end of the orchard he notices a ray of light illuminating a small cave at the base of the mountain. Entering the cave and travelling through it, the cave reveals the entrance and splendid view of Shangri-la before him.

True to the story, you must climb a sloped path lined by trees, pass through a stunning tunnel, and cross a bridge to find the Miho Museum. I. M. Pei captures that moment where the fisherman suddenly see Shangri-la in his design brilliantly. An emotive piece of architecture!

The Miho Museum also has a fashion connection with Louis Vuitton choosing to show it’s Cruise 2018 collection on its property! Check the video here :


多哈伊斯蘭藝術博物館The Museum of Islamic Art in Doha,MIA

「建築師想設計出優秀的建築物,最重要的因素是有個好客戶。客人起到一半作用。//One thing I learned – I’ve been in practice now for half a century or more, and the most important ingredient for an architect to do a good building is to have a good client. I think a client counts for as much as fifty per cent. 」


Of the site location. I. M. Pei declined to build the museum on any of the proposed sites along the Corniche, a waterfront promenade in the Doha Bay. He instead proposed the idea of a stand-alone island to be created to ensure the museum would not be covered or encroached upon. Besides housing the block angles of the museum itself, the man made island houses a park of approximately 64 acres of dunes and oases for visitors to enjoy.

Enjoying this article? Read our interview with American artist Nick Cave :

羅浮宮Musée du Louvre

「你必須知道設計的目的和對象,才能捍衛個人作品。You cannot defend your design without knowing what you’re designing for. 」



“When I first showed the idea to the public, I would say 90 percent were against it,” Pei recounted in a PBS documentary. “The first year and a half was really hell. I couldn’t walk the streets of Paris without people looking at me as if to say: ‘There you go again. What are you doing here? What are you doing to our great Louvre?’ ”

The New York Times on the revamp, “an architectural joke, an eyesore, an anachronistic intrusion of Egyptian death symbolism in the middle of Paris, and a megalomaniacal folly imposed by Mr. Mitterrand.”

I.M. Pei did not tell his firm in New York for 4 months he had been commissioned personally by then French President, François Mitterrand because he wanted to consider the scope of the project. His elegant solution to add the underground spaces to the museum, and it’s iconic glass pyramid entrance, also had a very practical function, to illuminate the underground spaces themselves.

搖滾樂紀念館 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

「一個人必須明白他的局限。為什麼要騙自己呢?//One has to realize one’s limitations. Why kid yourself?」

搖滾樂又是另一樣看似和貝聿銘毫不相關的設計。他甚至坦言自己較喜歡貝多芬,對搖滾樂也鮮有認識。當年他接受訪問時更誤將搖滾樂殿堂級人物John Lennon誤稱為Jack。所以起初他是拒絕這個工作的。但後來他改變主意並跟隨《滾石》雜誌的發行人Jann Wenner參加搖滾樂演唱會,甚至到訪貓王Elvis Presley的故居「雅園」了解搖滾文化。他雖形容「雅園」是「可怕的地方」,但無減弱對搖滾樂的興趣。

C’mon man you reading SPITGAN Magazine! The Rock N Roll Hall of Fame! Even Hip Hop’s finest, funk, and soul are housed here! How amazing it is that your favorite musicians will come and accept this huge accolade in a building I. M. Pei designed!

The design itself is whimsical, a combination of contrasting structures, with a transparent tent-like structure, which was “open — like the music,” he said.

香港中銀大廈 Bank of China Tower



“He was the first to introduce such a futuristic trend into architecture in mainland China and Hong Kong, which were more conservative and not often open to new ideas,” architectural scholar Patrick Lau Sau-shing.

Of the famous skyline of Hong Kong, perhaps I. M. Pei’s work stands the tallest. In any photo you cannot miss his iconic structure, a love letter to the city, and thoroughly modern to this day.

Pei’s competitive streak also fueled the project as the Hong kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, had just completed its new headquarters to wide acclaim, designed by another famous architect, Norman Foster.

“I felt compelled to respond even with limited means and on a less than ideal site,” Pei explained.

Family ties : Pei landed the job in 1982 when two bank representatives sought help from his father, who was a former general manager at the company.

北京香山飯店 Fragrant Hill Hotel

「別再為已經錯失的機會擔心了,開始尋找新機會吧。//Stop worrying about missed opportunities and start looking for new ones.」


“Pei quickly questioned the appropriateness of constructing a modern skyscraper in the heart of the ancient Chinese capital—especially one that would loom over the Forbidden City. ’I didn’t want to commit [that] crime,’ Pei later recalled.” – M+ Stories (https://stories.mplus.org.hk/en/blog/i-m-peis-ground-breaking-fragrant-hill-hotel-revisited/)

Built on Fragrant Hill, the traditional hunting grounds of imperial China, outside of Beijing, the hotel is a low-rise building referencing traditional central Chinese construction elements, rather than his signature brutalist concrete buildings or glass structures. A unique piece to I. M. Pei’s portfolio of work, The Fragrant Hill Hotel was completed in 1982, and was the architect’s first project in China.

‘A Chinese garden is like a maze,’ Pei explained of the project. ‘You never see clear or straight to the end, never apprehend the whole…. It’s a matter of scale, of multiple vanishing points and also of surprise—the delight of the unexpected.’

Read our interview with Japanese airbrush artist Hajime Sorayama here :

蘇州博物館的西部新館Suzhou Museum

「如果我無法活得久去把作品完成,我寧願不開始。//If I cannot live long enough to finish it, I don’t want it. 」



Commissioned to redevelop the Suzhou museum, originally built in the 1960’s, I. M. Pei’s structure sits next to the UNESCO Heritage Site of the Humble Administrator’s Garden circa 1500.

Taking elements from traditional Suzhou construction styles. The museum uses modern materials and incorporates an origami style look to it’s exterior.

“I’ve been dedicated to exploring the ways in which Chinese architecture can be modernized. The root of Chinese architecture lies in tradition, and out of that a new bud will bloom.” – I. M. Pei

Dallas City Hall

 「”當你做一個達拉斯市政廳時,這個市政廳必須要代表達拉斯市民。我在這裡遇到的人,不論是富有或窮困的、強大或不是那麼強大的,他們都非常自豪達拉斯是個最偉大的城市,我不能讓他們失望。//When you do a city hall, it has to convey an image of the people, and this had to represent the people of Dallas… The people I met – rich and poor, powerful and not so powerful – were all very proud of their city. They felt that Dallas was the greatest city there was, and I could not disappoint them.”」

在許多I. M. Pei建築物中,這個雄偉的“野獸派”混凝土風格中建造—達拉斯市政廳是最受歡迎的,傾斜的立面既令人印象深刻。

Of the many I. M. Pei buildings constructed in this imposing, ‘brutalist’, concrete style, the Dallas City Hall is a favorite. The slanted facade is both impressive and ruthless looking. Harsh and angled to a grand effect.

Hollywood fun fact : The building features in the Robocop movies of the 1980s, as the Headquarters of the OCP company; special effects were employed to make the building appear taller than it is. – Wikipedia

I.M. Pei passed away at 102 years of age. Respect the architect.

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