A blast from the past which we have never seen. Superflat X Louis Vuitton of course! Why wouldn’t they have done animations for this cross over? Painting a fictional backstory to connect both houses is a whimsical and fun stylee!
Filed Under: Fashions, Film Tagged With: anime, fashion film, Louis Vuitton, monogram, Superflat, Takashi Murakami
Ooh the wheels have come off! What have we here? What unholy mix? Basketball stars? Questionable characters and acts abound! Paul’s Corner has caught them all! Rated Disturbed. NSFW but you know this!
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: 80's, aliens, anime, Asian, babes, bad jokes, bathtub, bikinis, blackface, Blake Griffin, Blake Lively, Blizzard, boobs, car accidents, chicks, costumes, CSI, dildos, Drake, dress up, drinks, driver, evil laughs, Ferrari, gas station, gifs, girls, graffiti, Hitler, hotties, instructions, JR Smith, Kate Upton, Kobe, korean, lingerie, Matt Damon, mayonaise, Meth Damon, Micheal Jordan, milkshakes, money, monsters, mullets, Nick Young, Nicki Minaj, Nike, nun, Obama, paintings, party, Paul's Corner, photos, poses, protestors, pump, R2D2, RAR, Rob Ford, Ron Artest, Rosevelt, sculpture, selfies, skills, Space Lawyer, SPITGAN, street art, swimming pools, swings, tattoos, The Internets, twisted humor, walrus, Warcraft, WW2
Hungover?! Start the New Year’s right with Paul’s Corner. The Cure-All, like hair of the dog. Disturbed, never suitable.
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: Abraham Lincoln, anime, architecture, art, Audrey Hepburn, babes, balloons, Banksy, beaches, better, bikers, bikinis, Bill Murray, cars, carwash, celebrations, chicks, Conan O'brian, congress, cookie monster, Disneyland, do, dogs, droid, drugs, evil laughs, F1, freedoms, gifs, giraffes, girls, Hooters, houses, Humor, interiors, interview, jedi, jokes, lion, liquor cabinet, marijuana plant, mice, murder, mushrooms, ninja, nude, paintings, penis, photoshop, pigeons, rabbits, ribbons, Ronald McDonald, selfie, Shrek, signs, storms, studs, stupidity, sun, swimming pools, swimsuit, Tequila, The Internets, traffic, trophies, Vodka, watermelon bong, waterskiing, whoops, wood art
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: accident, airshow, angel, anime, Arkansas, asian chicks, babies, bad humor, bikes, bitch mints, bitch mittens, Black Eyed Peas, Boba Fett, Brangelina, cabin, cats, chat, chicks, Clockwork Orange, cock, Colonel Sanders, cop, dance, diamond ring, dirt art, dirty, drunk, etiquette, evil laughs, faces, fags, fashion, fat kids, Ferrari, gifts, high-five, icebergs, Internet, jets, jokes, Lady Gaga, laptops, legs, lightsabres, maid, Marshmellow Man, meth, Michelin Man, motocyclist, motorcycles, nature, NFL, old cars, paradise, penis, polar bear, pose, possession, rainbow, ride, robot, rude, scooter, shark, skirt lengths, spider, sunset, tailgate, Tattoo, The Internets, toilet, views, wind, wink, wolves, wonderbread
Oh yes more and more and more. NSFW, +18, rated DISTURBED. As fast as you can produce it world we can cover it! Paul’s Corner!
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: American flag, anime, architecture, binders, bishop, black bears, butt, butts, cars, cockpit, construction workers, dancing, dog, Dragonball Z, drink, Emma Watson, exercise, fighter jets, gifs, girls, hot chicks, Hugh Hefner, Humor, Internet, iPad, Jack O'Laterns, John Love-Hewitt, jokes, kids, Lana Del Rey, laughs, Lindsey Lohan, middle fingers, Mitt Romney, moose, newspaper, nude, painting, plane, pumpkins, quantum physics, shipwreck, Spiderman, suicide, Urinal, views