特別嗚謝/Special thanks to ‘Lil Fly
翻譯/Translation – Sharon Chiu
攝影/Photos : Nick D for Precursorprints.com

當Lil Fly跟我提及Suki Rabbit時,說她曾跟Suki學舞,我立即打起十二分精神,因為Lil Fly介紹的,都是非等閒之輩。我對於街舞這一欄也有些許認知,因為身邊也有朋友會定期舉辦一些與Hip Hop 、街舞有關的活動,但卻未曾聽過Suki Rabbit這個名字。於是我在YouTube上稍為搜索一下,BLAM! 很快便出現Suki Rabbit的街舞視頻。對於一隻兔子來說,她有著的是人類的超級基因,這當然是開玩笑,但在她的視頻中,你可以見到她跳Reggae及其他音樂時的超凡舞姿,她有的是勁,超酷!那些自命IT Girl的時尚博客,看看什麼才是真正的“IT” 吧。


So a ‘Lil Fly told me a while back about this amazing dancer in Hong Kong called Suki. Said she trained under her a bit, so my ears perked up cuz, when a ‘Lil Fly speaks, you know, ish gets a buzzing! I feel I have a foothold in the Hip Hop/dance game because I have some friends pretty involved in throwing events on the regular, but the name doesn’t register. A little Youtubing though and BLAM! There’s Suki! Suki Rabbit. For a rabbit, she definitely has dominant human genes! Jokes. Girl don’t kill me! In the videos, you can see Suki gots the funk. Seeing her get down to Reggae and different music styles, you just see she’s got IT you know, by the ton. So yeah, for all of fashion bugging out over whatever self-ordained ‘it’ girl of the moment, let’s ordain our first at SPITGAN, Suki Rabbit!

SPITGAN : Why do you dance?
Suki Rabbit : Because dancing makes me happy and is the way I release my emotions. Every time I hear the music, I feel things in my brain, and my energy finds the way out. Dancing has become a part of my life. Without it I have no place for release. It’s very simple, I dance whether I’m happy or not.

SG : Are you more yourself when you dance?
SR : I really like the free spirit of freestyle (dance). I’m afraid of the limitations of traditional formats and being trapped by a lack of creativity. Every time when I hear the music, it inspires my freestyle movements, I find that’s the “real me”. I don’t know if I would be “wilder” or not, I’m just being myself when I dance. I dance to the music. When the music goes wild, I follow.

SG : What’s the most important part dance?
SR : Every part is crucial from the techniques, and emotions, to your soul. There are no rules saying if you’re a bad dancer you can’t dance. Everyone can dance. Dance can be purely a hobby or a profession, but when dance is your profession, you have to be good. So it really depends on dancing in what circumstance. When I work, I use more techniques, but when I am doing freestyles and dancing in my leisure time, I use more emotions in order to express myself. Different music can generate different emotions, and I use different emotions to interpret it. For different occasions I use different approaches too.

SG : I think your dance style is very aggressive and full of power. How would you describe your own style?
SR : My dance style is very me, so I never really think of what style that is. I’m just being myself. Suki is Suki. It’s hard to find words to describe. If you have to have a name for it, maybe it’s “Suki Style”.

SG : Do you watch your own dance recordings?
SR : Yes, (to see how I do) sometimes I like my performance, and sometimes I don’t. When I see myself dance poorly, I will get upset and give myself some pressure to dance better next time. Of course, there are times I am satisfied with myself.

SG : How did you discover dance?
SR : When I was a kid, my parents would give me lots of freedom and let me try many things. When I learned ballet, I realized I love dancing, but ballet wasn’t the dance style I liked. I loved art back in the days. Drawings, designs etc. but I never did well in school, so I decided to spend more time on dancing. I never thought of being a professional dancer. I never chose dancing, but dancing chose me. I say that because every time I wanted to give up, it always came back to me like an addiction. In the path that I have travelled, I have met lots of friends who share the same dream, as well as, mentors and students. Their support and encouragements are my motivations to carry on. There are many things in life that I feel happen against my own will, but dance give me a clear mind and lets me be myself.

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特別鳴謝Lucas Luraka安排是次訪問。/Special thanks to Lucas Luraka for the arrangement.
攝影/Photos – Nick D for precursorprints.com
翻譯/Translation – Jin Tao

來自法國的「壞孩子 (L’enfant terrible)」 Charlie Le Mindu是一位髮型師更是時裝設計師,但他的「時裝」與「髮藝」可是非一般的,他以頭髮替取代布料做時裝,又將時裝概念放在頭上生花,極具前瞻性的創意,令他成為當今獨一無二的設計師 / 髮型師,並得到樂壇重量級人馬如Lady Gaga、Lana del Rey的青睬。不論是充滿雕塑感的、極具概念性的,還是像擁有魔法的反地心吸力的「髮衣」,都展現了這位壞孩子驚人的創意。不得不提的是,他還是一位DJ!早前他受到Premium Sofa Club的Lucas邀請來港打碟,Spitgan識英雄重英雄,與他做了一個充滿趣味的訪問。

Charlie Le Mindu. L’enfant terrible? He of hair creations as fashion pieces… sculptural, conceptual, and gravity defying looks; florescent jellyfish visions…some of Lady Gaga’s most iconic looks. Well home slice popped into our stomping grounds not long ago to play some records along with his partner, artist Stephane Delgado. Seems they have a thing with our boy, Lucas Luraka from back back so we were able to hook it up for this off the cuff conversation that was everything we hoped for and more! SPITGAN!

SPITGAN : 你認為史上最好看的關於頭髮的電影是哪部?
Charlie Le Mindu : 我喜歡John Waters 的“Female Trouble”,還有“Hairspray”,是之前拍的更經典的那部。因為我比較熱衷於假髮,所以對打理得很漂亮的頭髮不是很感興趣,看起來頹廢的頭髮特別能吸引我。我說的電影是就我個人口味而言,如果是電影本身的話我比較喜歡“Mommy Dearest”。說的是一個瘋狂富婆的生活,當然她的頭髮也是很好看的。

SG : 在工作中那些頭髮的特質特別能吸引你?
CLM : 俄羅斯人,哈哈。我用頭髮還有假髮片做衣服和飾品,有個朋友每年會給我提供約120千克人髪。我只用俄羅斯人的頭髮,雖然我也喜歡中國人及印度人的頭髮,但它們實在太黑了,不適合我的工作需要。巴西人的還不錯,但髮質又太硬。所以,我只用俄羅斯人的。雖然要買的話很貴,但我不用付錢!俄羅斯人的髮質很有韌性,比較接近中國或西伯利亞人髮。區別是俄羅斯的人髮要輕得多,如果你想把它染成金色,基本上就不需要花太多功夫,而中國人髪基本都是黑色或深褐色,要染成金色還得先漂染就比較麻煩。

SG : 有點意思,我記得我小時候想把頭髮染成白色,他們都說不可能,因為跟亞洲人髮色完全相反。
CLM : 其實我通常是金髮,然後會染成別的顏色。

SG : 我看到你本人的照片頭髮顏色幾乎都很深,還真是跟大部分人背道而馳。
CLM : 是的,都是深色。英國人稱之為老鼠金。

SG : 據我所知,在某些方面你是一個傳統主義者。怎樣才能成為一位優秀的髮型師呢?
CLM : 我覺得最重要的是…比如說,我所有助理都是日本人,因為他們懂得許多技巧。我有很多日本、意大利及法國助理,我不怎麼用英國助理。我認為,國籍對我來說非常重要,因為這關乎文化。例如(日本),他們在時尚文化方面的東西真的做得很好,還有他們的技巧,總有一些很吸引人的東西。而法國人也有很不錯的技術,但就比較缺少現代氣息。法國的時尚是…美麗的,但法國沒有什麼特別現代的東西。

SG : 我大概能了解你的意思,我去巴黎看時裝秀也感覺到,亞洲在這領域迅速崛起,但我喜歡巴黎各種經典丶源遠流長的文化…
CLM : 是的,沒錯,倫敦也有著強大的能量氣場。我總是說,巴黎就像一座巨大的博物館,但它不是一座當代博物館,而是被放大的羅浮宮,無處不在。

SG : 我能體會…
CLM : 人也沒有那種現代氣息。

SG : 令我震驚的是夜店居然都集中在香榭麗舍大道,那可是旅遊景點啊…
CLM : 我在巴黎不經常出去(夜生活)…

SG : 一個人的特質,是否影響你的發揮空間,比如哪些可以做哪些不能做?
CLM : 是的……你懂的,比如說我的客戶,我和很多明星合作過。和Lady Gaga合作的時候,我會問她欣賞哪些明星,喜歡聽什麼樣的音樂丶那類型的電影,然後我總結出她的喜好來為她造型,所以說,個人屬性是相當重要的。就跟穿衣服一樣,即便你身上穿著最華麗的McQueen的禮服,但如果你不覺得它好看,你穿上只會顯得醜陋。髮型也是同一回事,基本的理念是相同的,當然也要配合客戶的臉型。

SG : 你覺得名人客戶會讓你在他們身上自由發揮創造還是…
CLM : 這要看情況,因為名人背後往往有一支很龐大的團隊,有化妝師丶時尚造型師等,所以這是一個團隊的合作。當然也包括公關…(大笑)。

SG : 所以這種合作是非常商業化的?
CLM : 是的,比如說Lady Gaga,她就比較隨意。我幾乎可以在她身上隨便自由發揮。但是,我和Lena del Rey合作的時候,幾乎都保持一致的造型…因為我跟她合作也比較久了,所以我可以這樣說出來


SG : 亞洲人的頭髮有什麼優點以及缺點呢?
CLM : 亞洲人的髮質非常棒,摸上去非常堅韌,所以女性的髮型很容易讓我造型,但男性的頭髮…就取決於客戶的國籍了。亞洲的頭型其實挺不一樣的,男性的頭髮比較困難,因為太硬總是豎起來,你懂的,女性的就相對容易多了。

SG : 你是從什麼時候開始有讓頭髮像時裝般穿戴的想法?
CLM : 在我於柏林工作的那段時期,當時為一位叫Peaches的歌手工作。

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