SUN=SEN是一個你看過不會忘記的香港本地品牌。因為他們的形象風格很是鮮明,衣服上一些奇怪又可愛的細節總是吸引著我們的眼球。這一季的FW18他們就用上當鋪當「當嬰兒」的傳統作靈感,然後我們就大膽的用他們這個想法發展了一個「與神交易」的時裝展示。很高興我們這個瘋狂的想法得到SUN=SEN的設計師和我們的朋友KAMP Studios 的Daniel 支持,他為我們做了一個充滿幻想的場境。岩石、鏡子、玻璃、一些自然而生的物料都用在這裡,那些彎曲的鏡子照著前面一個個有慾望的模特兒們。他們都等候著那「女神」的出現改變他們的生活。最後這班模特居然為了一己私慾帶走了一個現場觀眾當祭品呢(但我不知道她為什麼那麼高興…)!一場表演8種不同個性展示著SUN=SEN的設計的無限可能。那你完全想不到的充氣口袋、潛水帽子……去實際了解一下他們天馬行空的奇怪想法吧。

Do you believe in the Chinese ritual of ‘selling’ your baby to a pawn shop to ensure it’s health? SUN=SEN’s FW18 collection found inspiration from this traditional premise, and damn did we have a time trying to interpret it in some way! By recruiting some help from our good friend Daniel Kamp of KAMP Studios we decorated the set with natural objects, rocks, mixed with manufactured objects, mirrors, and panes of glass to speak to this polarity of an idea. The presentation centered around a ‘goddess’ type figure. A figure if the other models could please would receive the gift of the life they desired! How about them apples! It all came together rather well. To the clothing itself, SUN=SEN’s collection for AW18 continued their interest in bright colors and their combinations. Interesting details included blow up plastic pouches and pockets worked into clothing. The quirkiness and strange irregularity really works for us and has drawn them due international attention. A truly original brand that works along the lines of a Bernard Wilhelm, we have great expectations for their imminent success!

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