CN – Belinda Wong

有誰會不喜歡Shawn Kemp的比賽嗎(除了Alton Lister和Robert Horry以外)?相信我,在Horry變成“神射阿Bob”之前,他也屬於那種瘦小的運動員,對Kemp來說好比海報上討人同情的饑荒兒童,不過時過境遷了。回顧過去,Kemp可謂一直推動著Airness系列的創作。雖然出現過很多“力道十足”的灌籃高手,但是他自己贏取的熱血青年粉絲和榮耀永遠都只屬於他。抓不住籃筐?那就“飛”吧。他和Payton的配合如同神話,永不過時。Reebok這次與Kemp合作的Kamikaze球鞋名為“意向書”,似乎是想像了如果Kemp當年沒有直接入聯賽,而和他簽的意向書般進了Wildcat野貓隊,那會有多麼的不同吧?超經典的顏色配搭,值得尊敬的球員,大愛!

Who didn’t love Shawn Kemp’s game? Well maybe Alton Lister and Robert Horry. Trust me. Before Horry became Big Shot Bob…he was a scrawny athletic type too, and kinda the poster child for Kemp. Boy did things end different though. To look back stylistically Kemp was like a power forward with His Airness’ artistry. Sure many power dunkers have come since, but the pinnache and the flare he brought to the game will forever be his own. Them ‘whisper’ dunks where he wouldn’t grab the rim? Fly as ‘ell. The pairing with Payton too was all time entertainment. Reebok takes the alternate reality route with these Kamikaze’s, as Kemp had signed a letter of intent to be a Wildcat before jumping straight to the L. Damn fly classic color way and homage to the man! One love.