18+. At a loss of words. Paul’s Corner. I am therefore I am or whatever. Rated Disturbed still.
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: airforce, apes, asian chicks, awkward, babes, babies, bananas, bandanas, beards, bowling, butts, calf life, camels, cards, cats, chefs, classic cars, clowns, dogs, drinking, Dubai, earth, evil laughs, fireflies, flaming tits, Franz Ferdinand, gifs, gynecologists, idiot drivers, ill humor, jokes, landscapes, popcorn fashion, protester, rabbits, redheads, Return of the Jedi, rhinos, Roddy Piper, rollercoasters, Saint Elmo's, save the trees, selfies, shadows, Space, swimsuits, T-shirts, The Internets, The Scream, tits, Will Smith
It’s a GIF supernova for the 2 0 1 7! Celebration of all that is ill willed and rude! Like to watch car accidents. Paul’s Corner. 18+. Rated Disturbed.
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: Archie, asian chicks, asses, babes, bad humor, baseball bats, Batman, bikers, boobs, cartoons, cats, chairs, chicks, dogs, dresses, evil laughs, explosions, fails, fights, freaks, gifs, heels, Hitler, Jesus, jokes, Jurassic Park, Justin Bieber, Kate Upton, Katy Perry, lingerie, models, optical illusions, panties, pianos, poker chips, polariods, posters, Sponge Bob, Star Wars, stretches, Super Mario Bros., swimsuits, The Internets, trampolines, UFOs
Hungover?! Start the New Year’s right with Paul’s Corner. The Cure-All, like hair of the dog. Disturbed, never suitable.
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: Abraham Lincoln, anime, architecture, art, Audrey Hepburn, babes, balloons, Banksy, beaches, better, bikers, bikinis, Bill Murray, cars, carwash, celebrations, chicks, Conan O'brian, congress, cookie monster, Disneyland, do, dogs, droid, drugs, evil laughs, F1, freedoms, gifs, giraffes, girls, Hooters, houses, Humor, interiors, interview, jedi, jokes, lion, liquor cabinet, marijuana plant, mice, murder, mushrooms, ninja, nude, paintings, penis, photoshop, pigeons, rabbits, ribbons, Ronald McDonald, selfie, Shrek, signs, storms, studs, stupidity, sun, swimming pools, swimsuit, Tequila, The Internets, traffic, trophies, Vodka, watermelon bong, waterskiing, whoops, wood art
Merry Xmas! Hope you got a better gift than this! Still King. Paul’s Corner. As disturbed as ever. Unclean.
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: amusement rides, Anne Pierre, bear, BFFs, boobs, bugs, bulldog, butts, cats, Charles Barkley, chicks, clap, Coca Cola, condoms, dirty jokes, dogs, Drew Carey, drinks, drugs, dude, evil laughs, fans, finger toys, gifs, guns, handprint, houses, Jesus, jewelry, jobs, jump, kids, kiss, libraries, license plates, lion, mascots, masterbation, maths, Mondays, movie stars, muscles, Niagara Falls, Philadelphia Phillies, plane crash, porn, red carpet, Shaq, showers, silliness, spiders, text messages, The Internets, The Rock, tiger, unclean, video games, views, Water, waterfalls
Our version of Sunday comics, Paul’s Corner. Disturbed as all F. +21 might not even cut it.
Filed Under: Dailies, New Goods, PAUL'S CORNER, TOP_BANNER Tagged With: architecture, baseball, bats, bikinis, chicks, Clockwork Orange, cosmonaut, crowns, dog, dogs, Don Cherry, drums, evil laughs, expressions, fans, fighter jets, Fred Astaire, Game of Thrones, girls, good times, happy face, hockey, hotties, houses, Iggy Pop, Jim Carrey, jokes, kids, MAC, Marco Polo, marijuana plants, Marxist Utopia, models, nature, Nicholas Cage, pools, sharks, suits, The Internets, The Justice League, The Walking Dead, toucan, troops, urine test, views, washroom stalls, welfare