可能你看不出來,這次FIRST LOOK 2 GALA SHOW有幾個剛起步的品牌,NOWHERELSE便是其中一個香港男裝品牌。一個緊湊而簡潔的系列,這個FW18的色調是偏暗的,其中包括運動裝飾品。這是一個易於配搭又不失風格的系列。如果你有時間應該要看看他們的內容!

Yes NOWHERELSE! Finally a true menswear brand to grace our catwalk and fashion event! NOWHERELSE is a brand in it’s nascence, but with no lack of vision or creative direction. A tight, concise collection was presented at the FIRST LOOK 2 Gala Show comprising of sportswear staples with twists to be found in the details. The palette was predominantly dark but sure acceptable for a FW18 collection. We particularly liked the vest combo and the closing look of the presentation, the nylon grey top. The pieces are ideal for mixing and matching, perfect for any modern wardrobe. A highly wearable collection of cool we think highly of! Salute!

Runway Photos : Falcon Lam / Top Banner : Rick So

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